Marna and my mom went to see my dad, but came back shortly. They said he was sort of in and out because of the meds they gave him to perform the procedure. They are not sure if he even recognized they were there. So I didn't feel so bad although I just wanted to look upon him. Progress has been slow, but AMEN for progress. I would rather be going through this process with him opposed to the planning of or aftermath of a funeral. So we are truly blessed. Now I have a new understanding of when Christians say, "I thank Him for waking me up" or "He woke me ups this morning!" Truly, because on Thursday, May 13th, my daddy DID NOT get up or wake up!!
I am not sure if many of you understand all that took place that morning. My mom heard what could have possibly been my daddy's last breath. Except for the Grace and Mercy of God! Even after the CPR, the paramedics working on him for well over 30 minutes, there was still no breath, no pulse, no nothing. There was enough time to:
- Have a conversation with the Lord about what was happening with my dad at the moment.
- Then have a conversation with my Daddy (spiritually). Between he and my mom, I think our family watched enough sci-fi and supernatural-miracle type of television shows with them to know Daddy was still in the house watching all that was going on. Lol! I started just talking with him. Well, I remember first asking God for permission to speak with Daddy. I knew he was standing at The Gate and the decision had not been made as of yet. After feeling as if I had been granted permission, I just calmly started talking. I told him that I knew how tired and exhausted he was. I told him that we as a family will do whatever needs to be done to help alleviate him of the tremendous stress he was under. That we will each do our part so he could finally rest. But if he had to go and wanted to go, I would understand. It would be hard and we would be very sad because we would miss him. Also, I wanted him to experience the and see the full fruit of all his labor this many years. I wanted him to see me finally get married and walk me down the isle. I wanted him to be here for when I had children, etc. All these things I told him. But at the same time, I wanted God's will for him. I remember telling God, that my flesh wanted my daddy back...but ultimately, I wanted HIS will and plan for my daddy and our family. And if this is what needed to happen....then okay. Lord you will carry us through. Then past all the commotion and me talking to Daddy and God, I heard my mom in the front hallway. She was talking to Daddy too. She reminded him of their 50 years. I heard her clear as day, "Okay Jim, what about my 50 years?!? What about Nicolas and Aleja? Don't they need you?" Then I heard Nuk (Aleja) pleading with God for mercy. "God, please have mercy! I beg for your mercy Lord!" I think she even yelled, "Grandpa (come back) PLEASE!" That little girl was praying ever since the time my mom yelled that he wasn't breathing. At that moment, I realized that it couldn’t possibly happen like this. Daddy leaving like this? Lord is this your plan? Why so tragic and so abrupt for one who has served you and taught his family to serve you? What happened to the “ripe” old age you give those who do your will, Lord? There must be more you want from him, Lord? Is this to get his attention? At that point, I began to speak with Daddy again saying, “Daddy, not like this. Right now, Nuk really needs you. Don’t leave in this manner. Come on Daddy, NOT like this.”
- Still this was enough time to hear Nuk pleading with God over her Grandpa as well as my Aunt Pam (my mom's sister) and her granddaughter, Emani to drive to our location to pray. All the while, Daddy is still not responding to anything the paramedics are doing. Still no pulse. Sigh.
- I remember climbing over the paramedics (3 or 4 big men) and over my parents bed once I realized what I had on....or didn't have on. Hahahaha! I needed to go downstairs and throw on something more appropriate. But I could hear them through the ceiling/floor with the defibrillator. I would just hear, "CLEAR!" and then a big THUD sound as I listened and looked up at the ceiling. If I am not mistaken, this was the 4th time. The paramedics did it a few times when I was upstairs trapped between my parent’s bathroom and back hallway already.
- I think I heard my Aunt Pam arrive and run up our staircase yelling "Get on the floor!! PLEAD FOR GOD'S MERCY, NOW!!" Thought we didn't hit that floor?!? If we had to eat carpet, we was gonna do it! My Daddy's life was on the line! We humbled ourselves before The Lord in a QUICKNESS! No time for freaking out, humble yourself before God Almighty the best way you know how.
- So you can imagine, how long this was going on. Like Marna said in a previous post, it was a very long time. And it was. Let there be no mistake. James Armstead was GONE. I am surprised at how long they worked on him, but I am glad they did. I am not sure if that is routine as far as the length of time they will try, but God is good. No doubt about that. I know not too long after us all pleading for God's mercy, my mom said a paramedic finally yelled that he had a radial, but it was faint. But it was enough for them to take him in.
- So we found out that he had three blocked arteries, two of which they put stints in. The third was too damaged. He was on like a cooling mechanism to quickly heal his heart for the first couple of days. It was like putting him on ice. Burrrr! If he only knew all his body has gone through. He was comatose from an entire week. He only opened his eyes two weeks ago, but was too weak, tubes inserted in his body from head to toe, not able to interact and on a respirator. Boy oh boy, the stories we will share with him. I am sure he too, has stories of his own. When he is able to finally speak, I can’t wait to hear!
- Clearly, this was a modern day Lazarus story. I always wondered if I would ever see the Lord raise someone from the dead like what I read in the bible. I think I have seen almost everything there is to see in this walk when it comes to miracles except that one. Haha! Oh wait, I have seen people healed, but I am still waiting to see body parts grow back. Maybe that only happen in other countries?? Only heard about it, but now, I want to see it. What?!? I am serious. Lol!
Anyway, I see my niece has posted on the blog. Lol! She did tell me yesterday that she wanted to share her version of the story because she has some things to share too. I told her to ask her Mamma if she could. I forgot she told me about that dream she had.
And yes, if you are able to come out and support my sister and cousin this Saturday for their desert fundraiser at my salon, please do.
Until next time,
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